This is so freakin' good! Reminds me of the incident when Warren Buffett and Bill Gates were asked how they built huge companies, and they said: Focus.

I've asked people to implement the Impact-Effort Matrix. The thing is, they often end up listing things they "think" they should do, and give all those a 10 on both Impact and Effort.

I'm trying to build an AI-bot (I know—landing a plane on a racecar) to help people fill this matrix effectively. The bot will ask them questions to:

1. Differentiate between tasks and Job Descriptions (otherwise people end up adding JDs).

2. Decide a relatively accurate score for each of those tasks on both parameters.

I don't know how to code, so I'm going to learn as much as I can over the next few months and try to launch it.

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Thanks Vishal! That sounds like a cool product (tough though, like you said). I think you could definitely learn and actually use AI to help on the coding front -- I haven't formally coded since undergrad but did some AI-assisted projects recently. Let us know how it goes!

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